5 Reasons To Always Have Your Car Inspected After A Front End Collision

Whether you rear-end another vehicle at a low speed or hit a wall at a higher speed, front-end collision is nothing to ignore. Not all damages are cosmetic. In some cases, major damage could be lurking out of sight. 1. Hood Damage It's relatively common to end up with a dented or warped hood after a collision, but the visible damage isn't the real concern. The main concern is damage to the latching mechanism. [Read More]

Why Mobile Auto Dent Repair Service May Be Your Best Dent Repair Solution

No matter how big or small a dent is, it can be an eyesore on your vehicle. Large, deep or odd-shaped dents can also limit access to certain parts of your vehicle. Fortunately, mobile auto dent repair service is available so that you can have any dents on your vehicle fixed in the most convenient way possible. Mobile auto dent repair service can offer you some of the following advantages. [Read More]

Four Common Types Of Collision Repairs Your Car Needs After An Accident

Motorists often confuse auto repairs and collision repairs, yet both are totally different. Auto repairs revolve around fixing various malfunctions that a vehicle's components may have, whereas collision repairs revolve around fixing damages incurred to the car after an accident. Nonetheless, when you get into an accident, your vehicle can incur significant damages that warrant collision repairs before the car is deemed as road-worthy again. And with that said, here are four common types of collision repairs your vehicle might need after an accident. [Read More]

How To Handle Your Sports Car Getting Keyed

If you are the proud owner of a sports car such as a Maserati, then it would be devastating if someone keyed your car. Unfortunately, things like this happen, and it is important to know what to do in the event that you have to deal with such an incident. There are procedures that a car owner should follow to make sure that their sports car is returned to it's original condition. [Read More]